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Taking care of your teeth is not an optional personal care, and therefore following good teeth whitening strategies is most for better healthy teeth.
Clean, whiter, fresh, and shiny teeth give you the confidence to share your smile and opinion in public without any fear of disturbing someone's peace.
Find out how to quickly whiten your teeth in a natural way.
What Are The Methods Of Teeth Whitening
Tooth yellowing can be caused by both internal and external stains or a combination of external and internal stains.
There are basically two methods of removing teeth stains and plaques, they include chemical and mechanical methods.
The chemical method involves removing tooth stains with bleaching chemicals such as hydrogen peroxide. On the other hand, the mechanical method involves using relatively abrasive materials such as baking soda to exfoliate teeth.
How To Whiten Teeth With Baking Soda
Baking soda is a chemical substance that is widely used in cosmetics and in some beverages. It is also known as sodium bicarbonate.
Baking soda is relatively abrasive, and this property makes it an excellent alternative in dental care.
The abrasive nature of baking soda helps remove stains and plaques from teeth.
In one study while finding the effect of baking soda on tooth stains removal, it was found that baking soda was more effective in removing dental plaques when compared with conventional toothpastes.
Additionally, whitening teeth with baking soda is safer and it will not make your bank to cry.
Several studies and reviews have shown that baking soda is a good candidate for dental care.
One review showed that available literature supports baking soda -based denitrifies compared to commercial toothpastes because of its use, low cost, and more importantly safer to use.
Baking soda also acts as a mild antimicrobial agent, which makes it effective for fighting dental bacteria.
When baking soda is combined with saliva, it forms an alkaline solution. This alkaline solution is not safe for bacteria, and therefore this makes bacterial growth impossible in periodontal pockets.
According to one study, increased application of baking soda into periodontal pockets (areas between your teeth) for a reasonable period of time can shrink bacterial cell wall and prevent recolonization.
You can buy baking soda online from Amazon
How Many Grams Of Baking Soda Is Normal For Brushing
For brushing your teeth, 5% ( source ) is normal or you can use 14 grams (1 tablespoon) in plain water.
Make a paste of baking soda, and use your clean brush to brush your teeth. But, avoid brushing your teeth too frequently so as not to over-exfoliate your teeth enamel.
Do it at least two to three times a day.
How To Whiten Teeth With Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide is also an alternative teeth whitening agent, which works by naturally bleaching stains and killing bacteria.
Commercial toothpaste makers have been using hydrogen peroxide to increase the whitening benefits of their products.
Almost if not all conventional toothpastes contain hydrogen peroxide.
A combination of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide can help remove stubborn plaques and stains between teeth.
According to one study, it was found that commercial toothpastes containing baking soda and 1% hydrogen peroxide significantly lowered the yellow color of teeth after 8 hours of experimental study.
Additionally, hydrogen peroxide is been used for ages to treat and improve wound healing through suppressing bacterial growth.
In fact, a recent study showed that adding a reasonable amount of hydrogen peroxide in dentifrice can help kill dental bacteria and prevent its recolonization.
While using hydrogen peroxide tend to be safe, avoid using it in excess, as this may cause your teeth enamel to erode.
The recommended concentration of hydrogen peroxide at the drugstore is normally a 3% solution.
You can reduce the concentration by mixing it with plain water. This helps reduce the concentration to about 1.5% hydrogen peroxide.
Another alternative way to use hydrogen peroxide is to add 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide with one tablespoon baking soda ( source ).
Combine them together until you obtain a paste-like consistency. Use your favorite toothbrush of choice to brush your teeth.
But, when using a do it yourself ( DIY ) toothpaste with hydrogen peroxide, try to avoid overuse in order to prevent your teeth enamel from erosion.
You can buy hydrogen peroxide online from Amazon
How To Whiten Your Teeth With Lemon
Lemon is another alternative for whitening teeth. It contains the right minerals and vitamins effective for mineralizing teeth and dental decay.
However, lemon is very acidic which increases the risk of teeth enamel erosion.
As a thumb of rule, stay within the recommended concentration and do not allow lemon juice to stay more than two minutes on your teeth.
You can use lemon in different toothpaste recipes and in combination with many teeth whitening agents such as baking soda, sea salt, and water.
For instance, you can combine 1 tablespoon of baking soda and 1 tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon. Mix them to a paste-like consistency, and make sure to rinse your mouth immediately after use.
How To Whiten Your Teeth With Salt
Salt is another effective and amazing alternative for whitening teeth.
Making salt as part of your mouthwash routine can help lower bacterial growth and improve overall teeth health.
According to one study reported by the journal of Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, it was found that washing your mouth with salt solution can lower plaques and microbial growth in the mouth.
Salt can prevent teeth and gums from decaying. Sea salt is more effective than conventional toothpastes because it gets to the periodontal pockets where a toothbrush cannot reach, and thereby accurately removing excess stains from the teeth.
One study also showed that salt can be used to heal a wound in the mouth caused by bacteria or bits of food.
Salt not only clear dental debris but was also found to clear throat free from cold sore. This is also an indication that salt is a good candidate for solving mouth problems.
You can combine salt, fresh ginger, and lemon juice into a paste and brush your mouth. This helps kill bacteria and prevent dental decay.
How To Whiten Your Teeth With Charcoal
The word charcoal should not be misinterpreted with activated charcoal.
Unlike, charcoal, activated charcoal is a fine absorbent powder made from different types of plant materials such as burned wood and coconut shells.
On the other hand, charcoal or barbecue is made for the purpose of cooking and burning.
It emits carbon dioxide as a byproduct when put on fire.
Moreover, Barbecue charcoal can be harmful to health because it contains toxins that can cause cancer.
The way activated charcoal absorbs substances is quite different from the other absorbent substance.
It doesn't soak materials or particles like other absorbent substances, but rather binds to them.
This makes activated charcoal an excellent alternative in the remediation of toxins, odors, and poisons.
A recent review published by the British Pharmacological Society showed that activated charcoal can be used to counter the effect of drug overdose and toxicity.
However, the review went ahead to show that it should be used only with caution.
Activated charcoal find applications in both cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries.
It is widely used in toothpastes. However, there is not enough scientific research-backed report that recommends activated charcoal for teeth whitening.
In fact, the American Dental Association reports that the abrasive nature of activated charcoal will do harm than good on teeth.
However, despite all these claims, the diehards' fans continue to enjoy their favorite DIY toothpaste.
You can buy activated charcoal online from Amazon
How To Whiten Your Teeth With Ginger
Ginger is one of the few herbal supplements good for treating toothache and dental decay.
It is full of antioxidants and minerals that fight against bacterial growth.
It is widely used at home for treating toothache and mouth odor.
The microbial organisms in plaques such as bacteria produce acids, which can erode tooth enamel and improve dental carries.
Ginger is so effective to kill bacteria, prevent dental lesions, inflammation, and also support proper healthy mouth.
To make this DIY toothpaste, just chop a few fresh ginger and blend it using a grater. Transfer the blended ginger into a clean container, and squeeze one lemon into the container.
Add one tablespoon of salt and mix them well until all the ingredients turn into a paste-like consistency.
Use a clean toothbrush to brush your teeth.
Do this for not more than two to three times a week.
Related: Teeth whitening Q and A
Written by Idris Ya'uConclusion
Here you are. We hope this article gives you a concrete guide on how to safely, naturally, and instantly whiten your teeth. We would love listening to your words about this guide. So, do write to us in the comment section below.
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